Crochet Sightings and Vacation Highlights

crochet bedspread

Last month, my husband and I took a 3 ½ week trip in our motorhome from Arizona to Texas and back. We met up with some good friends, Dan and Janine, for the first part of the trip and had a great time! We did lots of sightseeing, ate delicious food, did some walking and hiking, met up with an old friend, Kathy, and her husband, Randy, did lots of driving (my husband drives the motorhome while I crochet) and all around had a great experience! I even saw some crochet and other crafts on our trip!

Since we moved into our new home 7 months ago, we’ve been doing a lot of renovations (painting, decorating, etc). It was nice to get away from all the work, relax and see God’s creation!

Here are the places we went and things we saw on our trip:

Benson, AZ – saw/toured Kartchner Caverns

Tombstone, AZ and Bisbee, AZ – walked around and saw the sights

Kerrville & Fredericksburg, TX – did some sightseeing and shopping

San Antonio, TX – did some sightseeing, went on a riverboat/gondola ride, toured the Alamo, ate dinner at the Chart House restaurant that revolves at the top of Tower of the Americas (a tower that was built for the 1968 World’s Fair)

Houston, TX – went to the Space Center Houston and Houston Center for Contemporary Craft

Galveston, TX – toured the Bishop’s Palace (the 1892 Josephine and Walter Gresham house)

McDade, TX – stayed at Hummers Homestead Alpacas (a Harvest Host)

Austin, TX and Moody, TX – stayed and hiked at 2 Texas State Parks

Waco, TX – went to Mammoth National Monument and Magnolia Farms (Chip & Joanna Gaines from Fixer Upper HGTV show fame have a very nice area in Waco for shopping, relaxing, eating and playing outdoor games)

Here are the crochet/crafting highlights of the trip:

These are some cute crochet baskets that were at Magnolia Farms in Waco, TX. I think the same baskets that are on display on shelves are hung on the walls. Basically, from what I can see, the baskets are crocheted with rope and include a handle. I think they’re very cute (and stylish)! I’ve got some yarn that might work really well to crochet some of these beauties for my new home!!!

Crocheted rope baskets at Magnolia Farms in Waco, TX
More crocheted rope baskets at Magnolia Farms
Crochet rope baskets on wall at Magnolia Farms

This was a display at the Houston Center for Contemporary Craft. This was a free museum filled with crafts that are made from reclaimed/recycled materials. The display was called “Nothing Goes to Waste”. I thought this display, made with film slides, was absolutely awesome! So creative!!!

Art made from film slides!
Close up of slides used in artistic piece at museum
Close up of mannequin covered in film slides at museum

Here’s a hyperbolic crochet piece on display at that museum. I’ve never done hyperbolic crochet before, but this is what it says online about it: “To crochet a hyperbolic structure you simply increase stitches at a regular rate in every row. The more often you increase, the more quickly the model will ruffle up.”

Hyperbolic crochet piece at museum

This piece of art was crocheted with 8mm film strips! Wow!

Art piece crocheted from 8mm film strips

Close up of film strips used to crochet piece at museum

Here are a crochet popcorn bedspread and a quilted bedspread that I saw in the Bishop’s Palace in Galveston, TX, along with the beds that these bedspreads were on.

Crocheted bedspread at Bishop’s Palace in Galveston, TX

Bed with crocheted bedspread

Quilted bedspread at Bishop’s Palace

Bed with quilted bedspread

Here is a crochet piece that was on the ornate dresser at the Bishop’s Palace, along with the dresser that it was on.

Crochet piece at Bishop’s Palace
Ornate dresser with crochet piece

This is an embroidered piece with a bobbin lace edging that I saw at the Bishop’s Palace.

Embroidery and bobbin lace piece
Close up of bobbin lace edging

And this is the front of the Bishop’s Palace. It was an awesome place with lots of wood in the interior and lots of history!

Bishop’s Palace in Galveston, TX

These are some of the alpacas that we saw at Hummers Homestead Alpacas in McDade, TX.

Alpacas at Hummers Homestead Alpacas in McDade, TX

And this was the inside of their alpaca products store. They’re part of Harvest Hosts, which is a membership group where you reserve a spot at a participating host to stay in your RV for a night or two. In exchange for a spot to stay, you patronize their establishment. I bought 5 ounces of alpaca roving to spin on my Electric Eel Wheel spinning wheel (once I work up the courage to spin alpaca fiber)!

Hummers Homestead Alpacas store

Alpaca roving from Hummers Homestead Alpacas
to spin into yarn

Here are a few other highlights (not craft-related):

While we were in Texas, we saw lots of bluebonnets blooming. They were everywhere and we loved them! In case you didn’t know, they’re the Texas state flower (and snakes like to hide in them).

Bluebonnets in field in Texas

This forest photo was taken at McKinney Falls State Park. This was our favorite place where we stayed during the whole trip!

Hiking at McKinney Falls State Park in Austin, TX

It was really nice to get away, but it’s nice to be back home, too!

I hope you enjoyed this look at our trip and all the crafts I saw while on our trip.

Happy crocheting, crafting and traveling,


Spike DC Mosaic Crochet Video & New Rug Pattern

mosaic crochet rug

Do you love the look of Mosaic Crochet, but wish it was reversible? Well now it is, with no extra work!

I’ve been having fun with a hybrid style of Mosaic Crochet using Spike DC stitches (SPdc for short). With this style of Mosaic Crochet, you still work 1 row of each color and each row on the right side, like Overlay Mosaic Crochet. You work chain spaces, like in Inset Mosaic Crochet, but you only work 1 row of each color. Instead of working your dc, drop down dc, Anchored dc (or whatever you want to call them) in front of the other stitches, you work your Spike DC stitch “around” the other stitches, which makes your projects reversible!

mosaic crochet rug
Reversible Sashiko Mosaic Crochet Rug

I also have a brand new Mosaic Crochet pattern using the Spike DC Mosaic Crochet technique. This pattern is my Reversible Sashiko Mosaic Crochet Rug. It uses some Lion Brand Thick & Quick yarn, along with some Lion Brand Hometown USA yarn that I’ve had in my stash for several years.

When I saw this Lion Brand Wool-Ease Thick & Quick yarn in the Hudson Bay color at my local Walmart store, I knew I had to design something special with it. I used this yarn, along with 3 coordinating solid colors of Lion Brand Hometown USA to design and crochet my Reversible Sashiko Mosaic Crochet Rug pattern. This pattern shows the contrast between the solid, dark colors and the lighter, multi-colored yarn perfectly!

You may ask me why I used the word “Sashiko” in the name of this pattern. Well, I’ve been looking at and playing/designing with Japanese Sashiko embroidery patterns for several years now and I LOVE them!!! They’re mostly geometric, which I LOVE! I’ve got more Sashiko crochet patterns in the works, so stay tuned for those in the near future. I’ve even started learning to do Sashiko embroidery! What fun!!!

So back to my new rug pattern. It’s made with 5 skeins of yarn: 2 skeins of the LB Wool-Ease Thick & Quick and 3 skeins of the LB Hometown USA (1 skein in each of the 3 solid coordinating colors). I used a size “N” crochet hook, which is 10 mm. I started and ended each row, turning the tails into fringe after crocheting all the rows of the rug. I absolutely love this rug being reversible!

To learn this technique, watch my new YouTube video, where I demonstrate the Spike DC Mosaic Crochet technique.

I also created a FREE download for a Spike DC Mosaic Crochet swatch that I demonstrate in the YouTube video. You can download the free chart, along with instructions for working the swatch with either my COM technique (with very little tails) or with traditional Mosaic Crochet, starting and ending each row (with 2 tails for each row).

Once you learn this fabulous Spike DC Mosaic Crochet technique, you’ll be confident to crochet my new Reversible Sashiko Mosaic Crochet Rug!

I hope you’ll give this Spike DC Mosaic Crochet technique a try very soon. It’s a fabulous technique for crocheting reversible Mosaic Crochet projects with no extra effort!

Happy Mosaic Crocheting to you!


Learning New Crochet Techniques in 2022

Irish crochet

Did you learn any new crochet techniques last year? Are there any crochet techniques that you’d like to learn this year? I love learning new techniques/skills and passing along what I’ve learned along the way to the students in my classes, whether that’s in person or through videos!

I’m very excited to announce that I’ll be teaching 2 crochet techniques at the annual IOLI Convention (International Organization of Lace, Inc) in Mesa, AZ in July of this year! I’ll be teaching a 12-hour class on Irish Crochet and another 12-hour class on Bruges Lace Crochet! I’ll also be teaching a 6-hour class on Irish Crochet. This all takes place the week of July 17 – 22, 2022. For more information about this convention, check out the IOLI website here. There are lots of teachers and lace techniques being taught. It’s going to be a fantastic convention!

Registration for the convention opens in just a few days, on February 15. Classes fill up quickly, so get your registration completed and submitted right away if you’d like to attend one or more of these fabulous lace classes!

Here are photos of the projects in my 12-hour Irish Crochet and Bruges Lace Crochet classes at the IOLI Convention:

Irish crochet
Irish Crochet Class projects
Bruges Lace Crochet class projects

Here are direct links to my 3 classes:

12-hour Irish Crochet class

12-hour Bruges Lace Crochet class

6-hour Irish Crochet class

Irish Crochet is a fabulous technique. It is made with separate textured flower and leaf motifs that are joined together by various methods. I’ll teach you 3 ways to join your Irish Crochet motifs together in my 12-hour class and the 2 easiest ways to join them together in my 6-hour class. A padding cord is used to add more stability and thickness to the pieces.

Bruges Lace Crochet is made with narrow strips of crochet “tapes” that are joined together to form intricate shapes. You’ll learn to make several basic tapes, then jump in to making 3 gorgeous Bruges Lace projects in my 12-hour class.

Since I learned to do bobbin lace 4 years ago, I’ve been even more fascinated with all kinds of lace techniques: crochet, knit, bobbin lace and more! I’ve gone to several Lace Days that the IOLI Lacey Ladies Guild puts on in Phoenix, AZ and I’ve begun to learn a needle lace technique called Aemilia Ars. This is my first attempt at making that lace:

Aemilia Ars needle lace
My first Aemilia Ars needle lace piece

It’s by no means perfect, but it’s a start! I have a long way to go in improving my needle lace skills, but at least I’ve made the initial jump into learning how to do this gorgeous lace technique! It’s challenging to learn a new skill or technique, but it’s a great way to keep our brains active!

I’ve also made my first piece of Romanian Point Lace. The cord for this lace is made with a small steel crochet hook. The lace areas are made with a needle. Here’s that piece for you to see:

My first Romanian Point Lace piece

I hope you all have a great time learning new things and improving your skills this year. I look forward to meeting some of you at the IOLI Convention in July!

Happy crocheting and lace making!


Upcoming Crochet Pattern Writing Class

writing crochet patterns

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas/holiday season and are doing well in the New Year!

I’d like to announce that I’ll be teaching an online class for new/aspiring crochet designers on Wednesday, January 19 and 26 for CGOA (Crochet Guild of America). This class will teach you everything you need to know to successfully write your own crochet patterns. If you’re anything like me when I first started designing crochet patterns and writing the pattern up so others could follow them, you struggle with many things, especially how to write repeats! I’ve been writing crochet patterns for over 20 years (and editing crochet patterns since 2004), so I know a lot about writing them and I’m excited to share what I’ve learned with others to help them/you be successful with your crochet patterns!

To learn more about this class, called “Let’s Get Writing”, check out the CGOA website. This is a 2-part Professional Development class. Each part is 90 minutes long and takes place from the comfort of your home. There’s no traveling necessary!

The last day to register for this class is next Friday, January 14. If writing better crochet patterns is one of your New Year’s resolutions, don’t put it off! Register today!

I look forward to seeing you in class!

Happy crocheting (and pattern writing),


Microwave Bowl Cozy Pattern Release

Microwave Bowl Cozy

Do you ever burn your fingers when you remove a hot bowl from your microwave? I often struggle with this! But I’ll struggle with it NO LONGER, thanks to the crocheted Microwave Bowl Cozy that I designed and made last month. Now you can keep your fingers from getting burnt, too, with my new Microwave Bowl Cozy pattern!

Last year on a trip to visit family and friends, I saw my husband’s best friend’s (Dan) fabric microwave bowl cozy and thought it was a fabulous invention! I was intrigued with it, but thought it might be more than I wanted to undertake on my sewing machine. So I decided to design a crocheted version of this bowl cozy and last month, on another trip to visit family and friends, I took the plunge and designed it while visiting that same friend (and his wife, Janine). I worked and reworked the cozy, getting it to fit a Corelle soup bowl perfectly! And I tried the cozy on several other bowl sizes that Janine had there to make sure it would fit other bowl sizes, as well.

Announcing my crocheted Microwave Bowl Cozy pattern!

Microwave Bowl Cozy
Microwave Bowl Cozy

As you can see, the cozy conforms to the shape of the bowl really well. It’s a reversible project, so you can use either side facing in/out. It works great, using 2 of the 4 corners to grab your hot bowl out of the microwave. I use my bowl cozy in the microwave with my bowl of food/soup that I warm up and it works just fine. The bowl cozy gets a little warm in the microwave, but nowhere near as hot as the heat of the bowl!!! Some people don’t use their bowl cozy directly in the microwave. They simply transfer the hot bowl into the cozy while taking it out. You can use your bowl cozy either way. And it folds flat for storage, too.

Oh, and it works great to keep your fingers from getting too cold if you’re holding a bowl of ice cream!

microwave bowl cozy microwave bowl cozy

This is a great pattern for any level of crocheters, from beginners to advanced. The entire cozy is made with single crochet stitches (except for the center), with increases strategically places to form the shape. There are 2 options for the top edging: reverse single crochet stitches or slip stitches.

These cozies make great gifts for birthdays, Christmas or any occasion! And they’re great items to sell at craft fairs, too!

This bowl cozy is made with 100% cotton worsted weight yarn. I cannot stress enough the importance of using 100% cotton yarn for this bowl cozy. Cotton yarn doesn’t melt, like acrylic yarn, when it comes in contact with heat, so it’s perfect for this project. I used a size I/9 5.5 mm crochet hook for my first bowl cozy and it came out great! However, I used a size H/8 5.0 mm crochet hook for the other 2 cozies and I think it works a little better for a more dense cozy with less stretch to it.

I also decided to film a YouTube video demonstrating each round of this cozy pattern for those of you who are visual learners, like me.

Also, for a limited time (until July 31, 2021), you can get a 20% discount on this pattern with the code “MBC2021”. Here’s the link to purchase this pattern:

I hope you enjoy my Microwave Bowl Cozy pattern, the YouTube video and the limited time discount!

Happy crocheting,


Sign Up for July 2021 CGOA Crochet Classes!

I just love learning new things, don’t you? I’m very happy to announce that I’ll be teaching 4 online crochet classes next month for the annual CGOA Conference. I’ve taught each of these classes before in person and I’m excited to teach them online/virtually! The nice thing about online/virtual classes is there’s no travel necessary to attend the classes/conference. You can attend classes in the comfort of your own home, which saves lots of time and money! Each crochet class will be taught at Central Standard Time (US time zone) through Zoom. It will be fun to learn new things, so give it a try!

If you’ve never heard of CGOA (Crochet Guild of America), check out the benefits of membership here. I’ve been a CGOA member since 2002 and I started teaching at the CGOA Conference in 2009! It’s a wonderful organization with lots of crochet enthusiasts, including lots of crochet hobbyists, designers, editors and publishers! CGOA members enjoy discounts on classes and lots of other things.  

Registration ends soon, so register today for the classes you want to take!

Below are the 4 classes I’ll be teaching at the virtual CGOA Conference next month.

Invisible Repairs: Tuesday, July 20 from 9:00AM-4:00PM CST (with 1 hour lunch break)

Click on video photo for more information
  • Repair torn, cut, chewed or burned projects
  • Replace stitches and chain spaces, locking them to bottom strands in the row or round above
  • Invisibly seam first and last rows in a crochet cowl
  • Bring damaged crochet projects back to life again

    Intro to Irish Crochet: Friday, July 23 from 1:00PM-4:00PM CST
Click on video photo for more information
  • Introductory class
  • Learn to make basic Irish Crochet rose and leaf motifs
  • Learn to make a background for joining your finished motifs
  • Learn a simple Irish Crochet edging with picots

    Reading & Understanding Crochet Patterns: Monday, July 26 from 1:00PM-4:00PM CST
Click on the video photo above for more information.
  • By learning how to read a pattern, you’ll be able to crochet exciting new projects
  • Learn the rules for reading a crochet pattern
  • Learn abbreviations, right/wrong side, right/left side, right/left front
  • Bring your crochet pattern questions to be answered
  • We will make some practice swatches in class

    Fantastic Filet Crochet: Wednesday, July 28 from 9:00AM-4:00PM CST (with 1-hr lunch break)
Click on the video photo above for more information.
  • Learn the basics of Filet Crochet
  • Learn open mesh, closed mesh, lacets and square mesh
  • Learn increases, decreases and diagonal stitches
  • Learn to read a Filet Crochet chart
  • We will be making a beginning Filet Crochet project and intermediate swatches

I hope to see/meet many of you in my CGOA classes next month!

Here’s a link directly to the CGOA web page to read about all the classes being offered at this year’s CGOA conference and to register for classes.

Happy crocheting to all of you and keep on learning!


Learn My New REV-COM Technique

Persimmon Flower Scarf

If you’re wondering if you can make your Overlay Mosaic Crochet projects reversible, then wonder no longer! They absolutely CAN be made reversible with REV-COM (Reversible Continuous Overlay Mosaic Crochet)! And the results are stunning!


I’ve been playing around with Mosaic Crochet for several years and learning more about the characteristics of this fabulous crochet technique! I have a new YouTube video to teach you how to make your Overlay Mosaic Crochet projects reversible. In this reversible technique, I’ve tweaked my Adc (Anchored double crochet) stitch a little. This small tweak has allowed me to make my Overlay Mosaic Crochet projects reversible! And I’d like to share what I’ve developed with you so you can make your Overlay Mosaic Crochet projects reversible, too!

Persimmon Flower Scarf
Persimmon Flower Scarf

I also have a new Reversible Continuous Overlay Mosaic Crochet (REV-COM) pattern that’s completely reversible. It’s my “Persimmon Flower Scarf”, made with DK weight yarn and a size F/5 (3.75mm) crochet hook. This scarf is worked in short rows (the width of the scarf) so it’s easy to learn this technique with a minimum of mistakes along the way. Who wants to go back hundreds of stitches to correct a mistake in a scarf/project? Certainly not me!

I find that the reversible projects are thicker than one-sided projects, so I used a thinner yarn and a smaller hook to compensate for the additional thickness. This scarf is adjustable in width and length, so you can make your reversible scarf any size you want.

The pattern includes instructions for how to adjust the size of your scarf, full written instructions for each row of the scarf, a chart to use if you prefer working from charts, as well as instructions (and step-by-step photos) for making the FLdc, AdcRS, AdcWS and using the Continuous Overlay Mosaic Crochet (COM) technique.

I’d like to tell (warn) you that when you’re making a reversible project, there are more opportunities for making mistakes. Therefore, I’m making a separate video to teach you how to correct some of the most common mistakes you can make (like me) in your REV-COM projects! That video will be coming out soon!

Obviously, making your project reversible will use more yarn than if you made it one-sided, with stripes on the back, instead of the mosaic pattern on the back. I’m estimating that this reversible technique uses about 15% – 30% more yarn, depending on the number of FLdc (front loop double crochet) or Adc (anchored double crochet) in the pattern. I think the extra yarn is well worth it because both sides are beautiful instead of just the front!

If you’re an intermediate to advanced crocheter (or an adventurous crocheter), watch my YouTube video to learn how to make your Overlay Mosaic Crochet projects reversible today!

Happy Reversible Mosaic Crocheting to you!


Revolutionary Continuous Overlay Mosaic Crochet (COM) Technique Revealed

Continuous Overlay Mosaic Crochet video

I’m very excited to reveal a new, revolutionary crochet technique that I developed several years ago. I call this technique “Continuous Overlay Mosaic Crochet”, or “COM”, for short! If you love the look of Overlay Mosaic Crochet, which has a gazillion ends to weave in, make into fringe or cover with a double border, you’re going to go crazy for this new technique! There are virtually “NO ENDS” to deal with in my COM technique!

Continuous Overlay Mosaic Crochet video

I have a new YouTube video where I’ll teach you all you need to know to successfully crochet your Overlay Mosaic Crochet projects with my COM technique to eliminate all those pesky ends!

I also have 2 new Overlay Mosaic Crochet blanket patterns using my new, revolutionary COM technique: my Wedding Ring Blanket (below left) and my Dueling Diamonds Blanket (below right)! These comprehensive patterns include full written instructions for each row of the blanket, a mosaic chart (if you prefer to use charts), instructions and step-by-step photos for my Anchored dc stitch (Adc) stitch and for using the COM technique, a check list to keep track of which row you’re working in the pattern, as well as the full yardage needed to crochet these blankets (including the little bit of extra yardage needed for making the blankets in my COM technique, WITHOUT ALL THOSE ENDS!).

In my opinion, the extra yardage that this technique uses FAR outweighs the fact that you eliminate virtually all of the ends in your project! In fact, I only had 30 ends total to weave in on my Dueling Diamonds Blanket instead of over 250 ends! That’s a huge difference!

If you’d like to use this technique in an Overlay Mosaic Crochet pattern that you’ve already purchased somewhere else, check out my Continuous Overlay Mosaic Crochet video to find out how to calculate the extra yardage to use the COM technique in that pattern.

The inspiration for my Wedding Ring Blanket came from the lampshades in my master bedroom. I’ve admired this geometric pattern for years and now I have a crochet blanket pattern with this lovely design in it! Here’s a photo of one of those lampshades:

My revolutionary COM technique for having virtually NO ENDS only works with my Anchored dc stitch and “Overlay” Mosaic Crochet, which is worked with all right-side rows, alternating color every row. This gives you 2 yarn ends for every row you crochet (one at the beginning of the row and one at the end of the row). That’s a lot of ends to deal with in the regular method of Overlay Mosaic! Who wants all those ends? Certainly NOT me!

“Inset” Mosaic Crochet doesn’t have all those ends to deal with because it’s worked with 2 rows of each color and the yarn is carried up one side of the project to be used again. Inset Mosaic Crochet doesn’t have as crisp of a design as Overlay Mosaic Crochet, so it’s not quite as popular as Overlay Mosaic.

If you’ve never worked either method of Mosaic Crochet, check out my Overlay Mosaic Crochet video and/or my Inset Mosaic Crochet video on my YouTube channel to learn how to do these 2 fabulous crochet techniques! There’s no changing colors across the rows of either Mosaic Crochet technique, which makes them much easier to do!

I hope you enjoy my new Continuous Overlay Mosaic Crochet technique. I also hope it saves you lots of frustration and time in your Overlay Mosaic Crochet projects by eliminating all those pesky ends!

I’d love to hear your comments about this new crochet technique. Is it helpful for you?

Happy crocheting!


Inset Mosaic Crochet Video & Free Charts

There are several styles/methods for doing Mosaic Crochet. In my previous Mosaic Crochet video, I taught you how to do Overlay Mosaic Crochet. In my new video, I’ll teach you everything you need to know to successfully do the Inset Mosaic Crochet method.

Inset Mosaic Crochet video
Inset Mosaic Crochet video

Inset Mosaic Crochet differs from Overlay Mosaic Crochet because Inset is worked with 2 rows of each color instead of 1. Because of that, you won’t need to finish off each row, creating tails/ends to deal with by weaving them in, turning them into fringe or crocheting a double border.

Both Overlay and Inset Mosaic Crochet are worked with 2 contrasting colors of yarn. You can use a DK weight, worsted weight or whatever weight yarn you desire.

This is a fabulous method of Mosaic Crochet! So if you’d like to learn it, check out my YouTube video. I also have a FREE download for the swatch charts that I used in the video, along with written directions for the swatch. You can find that download on my free patterns page.

Happy Mosaic Crocheting to all of you!
