I hope everyone enjoyed the National Crochet Month Blog Tour last month. Wasn’t it great? I enjoyed it immensely!!! In fact, I still have a few websites to visit to see what the other CGOA professionals and associate professionals blogged about and what they might have been offering for NatCroMo. There were so many great crochet hints, behind the scenes photos, free crochet patterns, giveaways of yarn and projects, etc. I am blessed to be part of the fantastic organization that is CGOA! And attending the annual CGOA Conference is always a thrill! I learn so much, even when I’m the teacher! I never want to stop learning more about crochet and improving my crochet skills.
Can we have a drum roll, please? Without any further ado, the winner of the faux tatted necklace giveaway is… Marsha Stockton. Congratulations, Marsha! I’ll be e-mailing you today to get your address to send you the necklace. May you enjoy wearing it often! Thank you to everyone who entered. I really enjoyed your comments about thread crochet.
I hope everyone has a fantastic April and the weather warms up for a lot of you in colder climates.
Happy crocheting,