A few weeks ago, I walked into my local Hobby Lobby craft store and saw a dress form in the lobby. It was a decorative dress form that someone could use in their home décor, I suppose! When I saw it, I knew I had to buy it for photographing some of my crochet garments and accessories that I’ve created for publication. The dress form is not adjustable in width like typical sewing dress forms, but the legs come off for ease of moving the form and the height is adjustable, too. The only drawback with this dress form (if you can call it a drawback) is the fabric covering the form, which is a black and white print. Here’s a photo of the dress form by itself:

I like the fabric, but I think it might be distracting for photography! So I thought I’d cover it with a solid black top I have. Here’s how it looks with the black top covering it:
I like it with the black top covering it, but I think the print on the neck sticks out like a sore thumb!!! A good friend suggested I use turtleneck sweaters so the neck would be covered up. So I set out on a quest to buy nice turtlenecks in various colors. I found some nice turtlenecks online for $3, but every color was out of stock! That certainly didn’t help! So I decided to try some local thrift stores. First, I went to the Stepping Stones Thrift Store in Prescott Valley. They had a very nice, glittery knitted turtleneck marked down to 29 cents, so I bought it. The sales lady there suggested that I try the Disabled American Veterans Thrift Store in Prescott, so I went there later that day. To my amazement (and delight), they had a lot of turtlenecks in various colors. I found 16 more turtlenecks there for 25 cents each! So for a total of $4.29, I bought 17 turtlenecks for my dress form! Did I score or what!!! Most of these turtlenecks are my size, too, so I can wear them when I need a turtleneck (if I don’t have hot flashes from wearing them)! Here is a photo of all the turtlenecks washed and hung up:

You can tell that I didn’t get every color in the rainbow, but it’s a great start! I can fill in with some other colors as I find them at more thrift stores along the way.
Now I have less excuses not to self-publish my garment and accessories crochet patterns! If I could just find some extra time (and much needed discipline) to get these garment and accessories patterns done!
Stay tuned for some new patterns coming to The Crochet Architect website soon!